Oleg Itskhoki

Oleg Itskhoki

Professor of Economics
Harvard University


DoB: January 7, 1983 (Moscow, Russia)
Citizenship: Russia and United States


  1. John Bates Clark Medal, 2022
  2. Review of Economic Studies Tour, 2009
  3. Sloan Research Fellowship 2015
  4. 25 Economists under 45, IMF’s Finance & Development, 2014 (vol. 51, no. 3)
  5. Don Patinkin Prize, New Economic School, 2004
  6. Excellence Award in Global Economic Affairs, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, 2012
  7. MFA Best Paper Award in Asset Pricing for “Mussa Puzzle Redux”, 2021
  8. UCLA Economics Warren C. Scoville Undergraduate Distinguished Teaching Award, Winter 2022
  9. Richard Allen Lester University Preceptorship, Princeton University, 2013-2016
  10. Department-wide seminar at the Paris School of Economics (2021)
  11. Keynote speaker at Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics (T2M, Aix-Marseille University, 2020)
  12. Lecture on “The Effect of Tariffs on External Imbalances” (IMF Workshop on Tariffs, Currencies and External Rebalancing, 2019)
  13. Keynote speaker at the ECB conference on Exchange Rates (Banque de France, Paris, 2018)
  14. Keynote speaker at the Temple University Workshop on International Economics (2018)
  15. Keynote speaker at the Barcelona GSE Summer Forum “Firms in the Global Economy” (2018)
  16. Keynote speaker at the 20th DEGIT (Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade) Conference (Geneva)
  17. Keynote speaker at the 16th NOITS Workshop (Copenhagen, 2015)
  18. Young Economists Jamboree, Macroeconomics, Duke University, 2010
  19. NSF Grant on “Dominant Currencies,” co-PI with Gita Gopinath, 2020-2022
  20. NSF Grant “Risk and Inequality in a Global Economy,” co-PI with Elhanan Helpman and Stephen J. Redding, 2009-2012
  21. Chiles Fellowship, Harvard University, 2008-2009
  22. Merit Award, Harvard University, 2007-2008
  23. Dillon Fellowship, Harvard University, 2004-2005
  24. Best Student Paper Award, New Economic School, 2004
  25. Evraz-Holding Scholarship, New Economic School, 2004-2005


Visiting appointments

Fall 2022


 IMF, Washington DC

 Stanford Econ/SIEPR and UC Berkeley

2012-13 University of Chicago, Department of Economics and BFI

Short-term visits

2016, 2017Philadelphia Fed
May 2017:Minneapolis FRB
April 2016:Yale University, Cowles Foundation
Sept 2015:Stanford University
June 2015:Science Po (Paris)
Oct 2014:UC Berkeley
Sept 2014:Einaudi Institute of Economics and Finance (Rome)
May 2014:Minneapolis FRB
Oct 2013:UC Berkeley
Oct 2012:Yale University, Cowles Foundation
June 2012:Kiel Institute for World Economy (Germany)
Dec 2011:Graduate Institute (Geneva)
May 2011:Chicago Booth, IGM
Nov 2009:Minneapolis FRB
April 2009:CREI/UPF (Barcelona)
June 2008:Penn State

Seminar Presentations

2020:BC, Duke, University of Virginia, Cambridge, Bank of Portugal, Dallas Fed, IMF
2019:Chicago, Rutgers, NYU, NY FRB, Cambridge, Bank of England, UC Davis, Harvard
2018:MIT, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UT Austin, UCSD, Wisconsin, Laussane, UCLA, Columbia
2017:Philadelphia FRB, Ryerson and University of Toronto, Minneapolis FRB, CEPII (Paris), Columbia, Stanford, ITAM (Mexico), Bank of Mexico, Stanford GSB
2016:Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, UCLA, NY Fed, LBS, NES (Moscow), IMF, UPF-CREI, Nottingham, Belfast, Harvard, CUHK-HKU-HKUST (Hong Kong)
2015:Cornell, CUNY, SMU (Dallas), BC, Oslo University, Norges Bank (Oslo), Berlin, Toulouse, Ecole Polytechnique and CREST (Paris), Bank de France, Stanford, Chicago Booth, Michigan, Federal Reserve Board, MIT, Indiana
2014:UBC, BU, Bank of Portugal, NY Fed, Minneapolis Fed, Uppsala, IIES, Italian Treasury, EIEF, CEU (Budapest), Bank of Italy, Mannheim, ECARES (Brussels), Penn State, UC Berkeley, Houston
2013:UC Berkeley, UC Davis, San Francisco Fed, Harvard, CREI\UPF, LSE, Bocconi, World Bank, Bank of Canada, HEC-Montreal, Cambridge, Oxford, Chicago Booth, Northwestern, Chicago Fed, CEFIR/NES, IMF and World Bank, USC, UC Irving, Atlanta Fed
2012:Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, Wisconsin-Madison, Johns Hopkins, Warwick, LSE, Edinburgh, Stanford, Yale, Chicago
2011:University of Michigan, Michigan State University, New York Fed (x2), UPenn, Chicago Booth, CEFIR/NES, Philadelphia Fed, Federal Reserve Board, Columbia, Wharton, NYU, Harvard, MIT, Johns Hopkins SAIS, Graduate Institute and WTO (Geneva)
2010:Vanderbilt, Maryland, Temple, University of Tokyo
2009:Princeton, Northwestern, Chicago, Chicago Booth, Stanford, Stanford GSB, UC Berkeley, MIT, UCLA, CEFIR/NES, UPF/CREI, LSE/LBS, IMF, Moscow State University, Cornell, World Bank, Minneapolis Fed
2008:Penn State, CEFIR/NES, Harvard, Yale, Chicago Fed

Conference Presentations

2020:ERWIT (CEPR, Milan)
LBS Conference on Granularity (London)
Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference on Public Policy
CPBS Pacific Basin Research Conference (SF Fed)
2019:St Louis Fed Macro-Trade Workshop
Tsinghua Workshop in International Finance
NBER Summer Institute IAP
NBER Summer Institute ME/IFM/Finance
NBER Summer Institute IFM
Minnesota Macro
Conference on Exchange Rates (Cusco, Peru)
“Future of the International Monetary System” (Luxembourg)
IMF Memorial Conference
IMF Workshop on Tariffs
2018:AEA Meetings (Philadelphia)
NBER Spring EFG Growth Meeting (San Francisco)
NBER Macroannual
UCLA Trade Workshop
ERWIT (CEPR, St Gallen)
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum
SED Meetings (Mexico)
The National Bank of Belgium Conference on Inflation Dynamics (Brussels)
Temple University Workshop on International Economics
RASA Conference (Washington DC)
ECB conference on Exchange Rates (Banque de France, Paris)
2017:USC Dornsife iNET Conference on Inequality (USC)
Annual Research Conference of the National Bank of Ukraine (Kiev)
CEBRA Annual Meeting (Bank of Canada)
EEA Annual Meetings (Lisbon)
University of Houston Trade and Macro conference
2016:CEPR International Macroeconomics and Finance Workshop (Cambridge University)
UCLA Trade Workshop
ERWIT (CEPR, Copenhagen)
TRISTAN Workshop at the University of Bayreuth (Germany)
IMF Conference on “Exchange Rates and External Adjustment” (Zurich)
Granularity Workshop (Banque de France)
SED Meetings (Toulouse)
Princeton IES Workshop
NBER Summer Institute IFM Meeting (Boston)
NBER Summer Institute ITI Meeting (Boston)
NBER Summer Institute “Macroeconomics Within and Across Borders Meeting” (Boston)
Moscow State Economics 75th Anniversary Conference
2015:NOITS Annual Workshop on International Economics (University of Copenhagen)
ERWIT (Sciences Po, Paris)
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, Macroeconomic Implications of Firm-Labor Heterogeneity
SED Meetings (Warsaw)
NBER Summer Institute IFM Meeting
NBER Summer Institute ITI Meeting
NBER Summer Institute Macro Perspectives Meeting
20th DEGIT (Dynamics, Economic Growth, and International Trade) Conference (Geneva)
6th NYU Search Theory Workshop
Minneapolis Fed Symposium
2014:3rd West Coast Trade Conference (UCLA)
Macroeconomics Across Time and Space (Philly Fed)
ERWIT (Oslo)
SED Meetings (Toronto)
NBER Summer Institute ITI Meeting (Boston)
IMF Workshop on Macro Policy and Income Inequality
Workshop on Firm Dynamics and Entrepreneurship (CIREQ, Montreal)
2013:AEA Meetings (San Diego)
Dallas Fed Conference
Cowles Macro Workshop on Matching (Yale)
SED Annual Meeting (Seoul)
Princeton IES Workshop
NBER Summer Institute IFM Meeting (Boston)
Chicago Booth “International Macro Finance Conference”
2012:Workshop on Industry and Labor Market Dynamics (UAB, Barcelona GSE)
Kiel Institute Award Workshop (Germany)
SED Annual Meeting (Cyprus)
Princeton IES Workshop
NBER Summer Institute ITI Meeting (Boston)
NBER Summer Institute Macro Perspectives Meeting (Boston)
NBER IFM Fall Meeting (Boston)
Philly Fed Trade Workshop
NBER ITI Winter Meeting (Stanford)
NES 20th Anniversary Conference (Moscow)
ECB Global Research Forum (Frankfurt)
2011:FGV/EPGE Advances in Macroeconomics (Rio de Janeiro)
NES-HSE CAS Conference on General Equilibrium (Moscow)
Conference on Worker-specific Effects of Globalisation (Tubingen, Germany)
NBER IFM Fall Meeting (Boston)
Philadelphia Fed Trade Workshop
2010:NBER Macroeconomics Annual (Boston)
SED Annual Meeting (Montreal)
Duke Young Economists Jamboree, Macroeconomics
Hitotsubashi COE Conference on International Trade & FDI (Tokyo)
2009:RESTUD Tour: CESifo (Munich), ECARES (Brussels), Oxford University
SED Annual Meeting (Istanbul)
Princeton IES Summer Workshop
LAMES-LACEA Annual Meeting (Buenos Aires)
2008:Spring NBER Price Dynamics Meeting (Stanford)
NBER Summer Institute ME Meeting (Boston)
SED Annual Meeting (Boston)
SITE Summer Institute (Stanford)
2007:Spring NBER IFM Meeting (Boston)
Central European University (Budapest)
EEA/ESEM Meeting (Budapest)
Fall NBER EFG Meeting (Chicago)
Fall NBER ME Meeting (Boston)
Winter NBER ITI Meeting (San Francisco)
New York Fed Conference on Exchange Rates and Prices


2020:CEBRA IFM Meeting: Chen, Fujiwara and Hirose “Reconnecting Exchange Rate and the General Equilibrium Puzzle”
NBER ITI SI: Adao, Carrillo, Costinot, Donaldson and Pomeranz “Exports, Imports, and Earnings Inequality…”
NBER Chinese Economy Meeting: Xie, Shi and Xu “Large Shareholders and Sticky Prices…”
Macro Implications of Trade (UC Berkeley): Dix-Carneiro, Pessoa, Reyes-Heroles and Traiberman
“Globalization, Trade Imbalances, and Labor Market Adjustment”
2019:AEA Meetings (Atlanta): Boz, Gopinath and Plagborg-Møller “Dollar Invoicing and Heterogeneity of ERPT”
AEA Meetings (Atlanta): Erceg, Prestipino and Raffo “The Macroeconomic Effects of Trade Policy”
2018:NBER Megafirm Conference: Gabaix and Koijen “Granular Identification”
Hoover Monetary Policy Conference: Piazzesi and Schneider “Payments, Credit and Asset Prices” [writeup]
JRC conference on Globalization (Princeton): Galle, Rodriguez-Clare and Yi “Slicing the Pie”
AEA Meetings (Philadelphia): David and Venkateswaran “The Sources of Capital Misallocation”

NBER ITI Conf on Globalization and Inequality: Lyon and Waugh


Redistributing the Gains From Trade…”
CEBRA Annual Meeting (Ottawa): Bjørnland, Larsen and Maih “Oil and macroeconomic (in)stability”
NBER SI IFM: Auer, Burstein and Lein “Price and Consumption Responses to Large Exchange Rate Shocks”
Spring NBER IFM: Alessandria, Choi and Lu “Trade Integration and the Trade Balance in China”

2016:NBER SI ITM: Guilloux-Nefussi “Globalization, Market Structure and Inflation Dynamics”
2015:3rd iNET Conference on Macro Externalities (IMF): Gopinath et al “Capital Allocation and Productivity in S Europe”
2014:NBER SI IFM: Fitzgerald and Haller “Exporters and Shocks…”
AEA Meetings (Philadelphia): Chari, Dovis and Kehoe “Optimal Currency Areas”
2013:Fall NBER IFM: Chari, Dovis and Kehoe “Optimal Currency Areas”
NBER SI ITI: Tintelnot “Global Production with Export Platforms”
Spring NBER IFM: Bianchi, Hatchondo and Martinez “Int’l Reserves and Rollover Risk”
AEAs (San Diego): FLN “Foreign Ownership of US Safe Assets: Good or Bad”
2012:NBER Macro within and across Borders (Chicago): Farhi and Werning “Fiscal Unions”
Princeton IES Workshop: ACDR “The Elusive Pro-Competitive Effects of Trade”
AEAs (Chicago): DHMSZ “Liberalized Trade and Worker-Firm Matching”
2011:NBER SI IFM: Catao, Fostel and Ranciere “Sudden Stops and Sovereign Defaults”
Yale Cowles Workshop: Costinot, Lorenzoni and Werning “…Optimal Capital Controls”
Philadelphia Macro Workshop: Cosar, Guner and Tybout “Firm Dynamics, Job Turnover…”
AEAs (Denver): EKKS “Dissecting the French Export Wage Premium”
2009:NBER SI ITI: Aw, Roberts and Xu “R&D Investment, Exporting, and Productivity Dynamics”
NBER ITO: Atkeson and Burstein “Innovation, Firm Dynamics and International Trade”
2008:NBER ITO: Costinot “Heterogeneity and Trade”

Public Service

  1. NES (Moscow), International Academic Advisory Board, 2015-present
  2. Moscow State University, Department of Economics, Academic Advisor, 2014-present
  3. HSE (Moscow), Department of Economics, Academic review committee, 2014
  4. Program committee member, SED Annual Meetings: Montreal 2010, Cyprus 2012, Seoul 2013, Toronto 2014, Warsaw 2015
  5. Moscow State Economics 75th Anniversary Conference, Organizer, 2016
  6. Program committee member, NES 20th Anniversary Conference, Moscow 2012
  7. Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2018
  8. Excellence in Refereeing Award, Review of Economic Studies, 2014


AEJ-Macro, AEJ-Policy, American Economic Review, B.E. Journals, Canadian Journal of Economics, Econometrica, Economic Journal, Economics of Transition, European Economic Review, International Journal of Central Banking, IMF Economic Review, International Economic Review, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Quantile, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Review of International Economics, Review of World Economics, Theoretical Economics, World Development, National Science Foundation Grant Proposals

Doctoral Students

2010: Saroj Bhattarai (Penn State)
2011: Pablo Fajgelbaum (UCLA)
Shlomi Kramer (General Electric)
Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel (UPenn Wharton)
Edouard Schaal (NYU)
2013: Diogo Guillen* (Gavea Investimentos)
2015: Qingqing Cao* (Michigan State University)
2016: David Nagy (UPF-CREI)
Mark Razhev* (University of Melbourne)
Ricardo Reyes-Heroles (Federal Reserve Board)
2017: Sungki Hong* (St Louis Fed)
Alex Rodnyansky* (University of Cambridge)
Alejandro Van der Ghote (ECB)
2018: Sergii Kiiashko* (Kyiv School of Economics and Bank of Ukraine)
Dmitry Mukhin* (Wisconsin-Madison and Yale post-doc)
2019: Damien Capelle (IMF)
Rowan Shi (Ryerson University, Toronto)
Julius Vutz (Analysis Group, Los Angeles)
2021: Max Vogler